Open Call for Supporting Socially Engaged Projects
The Ministry of Love and Empathy is launching a call for proposals to support social benefits and programmes for the year 2024.
Call for proposals topics:
Support for mental health programmes: the aim is to promote community and individual mental health initiatives, particularly among young people and the elderly.
Arts and culture projects: Support for programmes that promote community cohesion and personal development through arts and culture.
Family-friendly and community-building projects: Programmes aimed at supporting families and communities and strengthening their links.
Volunteering and social responsibility: Support for initiatives that encourage social engagement and volunteering.
How to apply:
Deadline for applications: 15 May 2024.
Application materials: Applications must include a completed application form, a detailed description of the proposed project and a budget.
Evaluation: The applications received will be evaluated by a jury of experts. The evaluation will pay particular attention to the social value, innovation and sustainability of the proposal.
Announcement of results: The results will be announced on 15 June 2024.
Form of aid: The aid will be provided in the form of a grant, but the Ministry will also provide technical assistance for the implementation of the winning projects.
How to apply:
List of materials to be submitted online in the first round of the competition:
Short description of the programme (max. 2000 characters)
A detailed description of the programme, with particular reference to the partners involved, the programme's implementation procedures and deadlines (max. 10000 characters).
A brief description of the applicant organisation (max. 2000 characters).
Short personal interviews will be held at the Ministry with the shortlisted applicants.
Applications should be sent by email to or by post to the Ministry's head office.
For further information, please visit the Ministry's website or contact one of the contact persons at the following addresses